Flying Geckos members are organised into squads based on a combination of development, age, commitment, etc.

While a large part of the Geckos is the social aspect of a club of climbers, we encourage a steady progression through the squads, regular attendance, etc.

Friday squads

Junior Squads aged 8-12 years run 4.30 to 6.15pm

Senior Squads 13+ run 6.00 pm onwards

Junior entry level squad where beginners work on further developing and consolidating their basic climbing skills.
Focus: Foundation of climbing
Work towards knowledge certificates that cover technique, safety knots and general knowledge.

Learn and practice more advanced techniques.
Older beginner climbers 13+
Focus: Advanced top-rope / Preparation for lead
continue to learn more about climbing techniques through challenges and basic training skill development as you prepare for lead climbing.
Amber 6.00- 7.30pm +
The Older beginner climbers aged 13+ join Amber, with some more experienced members from the junior sessions who are not yet ready to lead.
Focus: Foundation of climbing / Preparation for lead
This squad aims to help climbers have solid knowledge of basic techniques while promoting confidence and partnerships needed for moving up.



Green: learning and developing the skills required to lead climb.
Blue: ensuring good safety skills for later development.
Focus: Learn to lead and lead belay
In this squad you work towards your green and red licences with the club instructors.
Green license: lead climbing license (12+)
Red license: lead belaying license (13+)
Purple6.00-8.00 pm
Social with some skill training and conditioning throughout year.
Focus: Maintaining good lead climbing habits
This group is for competant lead climbers and will have a mix of highly supervised and more relaxed sessions

Social with some skill training and conditioning throughout year.
Advanced climbers with Lead Licence
Focus: Social squad/other skills
This group is more self-managing climbing with the skills they have learnt over the years and sometimes has extra instruction on outdoor climbing skills and  refreshers on technique & safety.


Other Programmes

Training Team

A program for any club members aged 10 + who want to improve at a faster rate no matter what the goal.

Travelling Team

This team is separate from training team and is selected in june each year based on club events and grade award records, travelling team members are given the opportunity to go to competitions around new zealand.

Monday Outdoors

In school terms One & Four, on Monday afternoons a group of geckos with lead experience travel to a selection of the Port Hills crags to climb.
This programme is dependent on having at least one (preferably two) parents with experience to assist and enough transport for the group.

If you are interested in volunteering to support any of our endeavours please contact us.