The Geckos put on a great show at the 2023 National Champs, both as athletes and as the host club!
Thanks to all the many volunteers who came together to make it happen, including all on the committee, the belayers, the route-setters, the bake sale stall volunteers, the judges, the photographers, the supporters, all the climbers & other cat-herders! We couldn’t have done it without you all.
We’d particularly like to thank the YMCA Adventure Centre and their staff for supporting our hosting of this competition – it is a big upheaval for them, and their staff went above and beyond in their support of the comp.
We’d also like to thank our sponsors for this weekend, Christchurch City Council & the Aotea Gaming Trust.
It would have been a big ask this weekend to try and gain the large number of points required to wrest the CNZ Clubs Trophy back from BOPSCA this year (due to their overwhelming advantage in the speed discipline), but we were stoked to hear at the final prize-giving that the Geckos were top club this year in both lead-climbing & bouldering!
Athlete | Category | Placing |
Anna Evans | Youth D Female | Silver |
Tobin Priestley | Youth D Male | Silver |
Charlotte Chinn | Youth C Female | Bronze |
Manaia Johnston | Youth C Female | 4th |
Robert Rider | Youth B Male | Silver* |
Cooper Gibson | Youth B Male | 8th |
Alex Evans | Youth B Male | 10th |
Harvey Sanderson | Youth B Male | 11th |
Katie Chinn | Youth B Female | 4th |
Xanthe Saunders | Youth B Female | 6th |
Amber Grossmith | Youth B Female | 7th |
Hanna North | Youth B Female | 8th |
Zoe Ball | Youth B Female | 12th |
Spencer Menzies | Youth A Male Open Male | 4th 6th |
Grayson Meaclem | Youth A Male Open Male | 7th 22nd |
Ollie Chinn | Youth A Male Open Male | 10th 21st |
Jack Cameron | Youth A Male | 20th |
Sophia Cook | Youth A Female Open Female | Silver 6th |
Laura Townshend | Youth A Female Open Female | 4th 5th |
Ngaire North | Junior Female | Bronze |
Nicky Dachs | Open Female | 7th |
Jake Townshend | Open Male | Bronze |
Sefton Priestley | Open Male | 8th |
Scott Ferguson | Open Male | 12th |
Joseph Bates | Open Male | 13th |
Special mention to Christchurch’s own Enzo Murray taking Gold in Open Male even though not representing the Geckos
A selection of photos of various Geckos in action are below.
Photographers are Murray Goldsmith, Nicola Chinn & Conor Boyd.
Conor’s full album of photos from the weekend are available here.
If you’re not already following us on social media, you can find us here and here.