Let it be known that the Flying Geckos Climbing Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Friday 18th May, at the YMCA Adventure Centre (upstairs) and is open to all to attend.
As AGMs go, our clubs AGM is a reasonably informal affair yet all the same an important part of the clubs function. The meeting provides the perfect opportunity to learn more about the club’s operations; understand what opportunities the committee and volunteer helpers have provided for members throughout 2017 and what opportunities and events are likely to be planned in the near future. The club’s committee for the next year will also be established.
The AGM provides a forum for parental feedback and open comment on what directions members would like to see the club heading. It is worth remembering that the Flying Geckos Club operates entirely on volunteer help and parental support – something it cannot get enough of! All the more reason why for any parents who might harbour even the vaguest interest in contributing to the continued success of NZ’s largest (and arguably best) youth climbing club, we strongly encourage you to attend and become engaged with the committee (perhaps even join it!).